Friday 18 May 2007

Bullying in schools

Someone told me recently that her son was bullied in school. I can see how some people would exclaim, "And you call that news? Wake up to the real world, you, naive .... etc" True. One can take it for granted, but look, it is a crime really. Only, it is a kind of a crime for which very few are held responsible. Teachers say, "Well, we can't really... it all comes down to the family and we can't change certain attitudes. We are doing our best of course, but... bla,bla, bla." Nice, eh? A child aged 7 is on the ground and two 10 year olds put their shoes on his face and the teacher can't do much about it. And this is in a very "good" area of London. In fact, bullying in schools is widespread and some children took their own life as a result. Others become depressed, emotionally disturbed ... or start bullying themselves. What are your thoughts about it? Make a comment. You are also welcome to find my book (fiction) called "An Ordinary Black Cat" and add your comments about that e-book available from Thank you!

Monday 16 April 2007

The Year 2008 World Contest for all Artists, Photographers and Image Makers.

Welcome those who is going to take part in the Annual Contest for Image Makers! I am very pleased with the response so far, and I am most fluttered by your comments. Thank you so much! You actually can't imagine what I feel when my book is praised.
From the 8th of January 2008 every Artist and Photographer is invited to take part in this Unique Contest organised by Alexander Rimsky, the author of an e-book "An Ordinary Black Cat2. The deadline for this year is the 31th of May. You would need to create an artistic image of Limus - a black cat that would be most suitable to fit the book that is available in There are no costs involved for participation; you would need, however, to read the book to enter the Contest (the nominal fee is £3.60)
The image can be
a picture
a photograph
a painting (any style, type)
an image.
Once you read the book "An Ordinary Black Cat" you would need to email Alexander Rimsky to enter the Contest at
Twenty winners will be selected and their names will be printed in in December 2008.
There will be one winner chosen for a surprise... 1st prize. Please, let your friends know so that they won't miss their chance to participate. Order the book before the end of May 2008!